Psalm 25 (acrostic)                                                                                Thursday Midday 1

Yahweh, to you * I raise my mind.

    My God, I trust in you; * keep me from shame; * don't let my enemies gloat over me.

    None who invoke you will be shamed; * shame only on faithless gossips.

        Yahweh, make me know your ways; * teach me your paths.

        Make me walk faithful to you, and teach me, * for you are the God who will save me. * I call to you all day long.

           Remember, Yahweh, how ancient * are your mercy and kindness.

           The sins and errors of my youth * do not remember!

           But remember me according to your kindness, * according to your goodness, Yahweh.

               Yahweh is good and upright; * the Supreme Being shows sinners his way.

               He guides the humble in his justice, * and teaches the poor his way.

               All Yahweh's paths are kindness and truth * for those who keep the terms of his covenant.

                   For your name's sake, Yahweh, * forgive my sin, * great though it be.

               Who has respect for Yahweh? * him he will show the path he must choose.

               His soul will dwell at ease, * and his descendants will inherit the land.

               Yahweh's friendship is for those who fear him, * and he reveals to them his covenant.

           My eyes are always toward Yahweh, * for he will release my feet from the net.

           Turn to me and have pity, * for I am alone and oppressed.

        Anguish cramps my heart; * relieve me of my distress.

        See my distress and trouble, * and take away all my sins.

    See how many enemies I have, * treacherous enemies who hate me.

    Preserve my life and rescue me; * keep me from shame since I trust in you.

    May integrity and justice preserve me, * since I call upon you.

Ransom Israel, God, * from all its anguish.



End of Thur Midday 1

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